Shaanxi Jingtai Cooperación Tecnología Láser Co., LTD. es una empresa de alta tecnología con la “tecnología líder” como concepto principal y un enfoque en servicios honestos en sus operaciones. Se adhiere al principio de “calidad primero, reputación primero”. La empresa se centra en la investigación y desarrollo de equipos láser durante casi 20 años, liderando en el mercado nacional en marcado y grabado láser de productos industriales, y siendo pionera en el sector de fabricación de equipos de corte láser de alta potencia.
La empresa principalmente produce y vende más de cien modelos de equipos de procesamiento láser, incluyendo máquinas de corte láser, máquinas de marcado láser dinámico 3D, máquinas de grabado láser CO2, máquinas de soldadura láser, máquinas de soldadura por puntos láser y otros equipos. Los equipos tienen un rendimiento estable, son fáciles de operar y mantener, y tienen una alta relación costo-rendimiento en comparación con productos similares nacionales. Son ampliamente utilizados en accesorios de automóviles y motocicletas, herramientas de hardware, fontanería, equipos sanitarios, equipos médicos, gafas, cuero, productos de comunicación, componentes electrónicos, accesorios para relojes, botones de teléfono celular, botones de plástico, sensores, maquinaria de precisión, joyería, vidrio orgánico, tallado de bambú y madera, regalos, envases de alimentos, envases de tabaco, etc., y han ganado una gran popularidad y elogios entre las masas de clientes. Además de los usuarios nacionales, los productos también se exportan a Estados Unidos, Rusia, Corea del Sur, Singapur, Tailandia, Vietnam, India y otros países.
La empresa cuenta con un equipo de I+D joven y profesional, así como con un centro de investigación y desarrollo de alta tecnología a nivel provincial. A lo largo de los años, sobre la base de la alta tecnología y la alta calidad, la empresa ha brindado el mejor soporte técnico y servicios de mantenimiento posventa de alta calidad para las masas de clientes en el país y en el extranjero.
Confirmación preliminar del cliente sobre soluciones técnicas.
Encuesta del sitio por parte del personal profesional y técnico.
Confirmar el precio del programa y el contrato.
Ingeniería y construcción de instalación en el sitio.
Aceptación del proyecto y mantenimiento futuro.
I like JTClaser’s price
I am a reseller, Under JTClaser’s help I have a stable supplier in Chian and I also do very good business in my country.
I’m a highly experienced professional laser cladding machine it’s very excellent. Which is easy to use. Good stability, strong cabinet,and low consumption,Highly recommend JTClaser’s brand for your industry processing,
JTClaser make very smart laser tools
Good machine and price!
My machine good work
It’s a conscientious enterprise. Mine friend
I get a good price of this machine fast shipping, Thanks~
Я из Киева, я купил свой 20-ваттный волоконный лазерный маркировочный станок IPG в компании JTClaser в 2015 году, и с тех пор он работает хорошо, я благодарен за знакомство с JTClaser, добросовестной компанией лазерных технологий.
لقد اشتريت آلة لحام بألياف الليزر 6000 واط من JTClaser في عام 2017. ما زالت المعدات تعمل حتى الآن ، وكانت تخلق قيمة لمصنعنا ، وهي تجربة ممتعة للغاية للتعاون.في المستقبل ، إذا أراد الأصدقاء في مصر شراء معدات الليزر ، يمكنني أن أوصي بشركة JTClaser ، خدمتهم رائعة حقًا ، يمكن لآلة القطع بالليزر الليفي الحصول على مواد استهلاكية مجانية (فم نحاسي) من هذه الشركة كل عام.
Kilang kepingan logam saya ada di Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Mesin pengelasan laser genggam 1500 watt di kilang saya semuanya dibeli dari JTClaser. Perkhidmatan mereka sungguh hebat!
It’s a really good laser factory, and their service team always stands behind the equipment. In September 2020, my 30-watt fiber laser marker once had a problem, and the laser didn’t shine, after I reported the problem to the factory, their after-sales staff linked to my team viewer within five minutes and remotely controlled my computer, which was detected to be laser damaged, they reissued the new laser to me through DHL within a week. It is indeed a conscientious enterprise.
Outstanding customer service and the communication with the shop is superb. I will be returning for additional services. They will go the exact mile for you.
JTClaser a very powerful team company
my 2 5W UV laser marking machine was bought from JTClaser.I have used it for 3 years, the wonderful thing is JTClaser’s team can help me online, this is really helpful.
Same machine, same configuration, even same laser sources, But I like JTClaser’s laser cutter.
The durability and stability of the laser equipment are good
My 30W fiber laser marking machine is on the way, I hope it is good.
I really like their on-line chat service, can help me solve the CAD drawing work
This is a company that sells laser equipment that I give very high appraisal
I’m a repeat customer, and JTCLASSER is my loyal source
Good China made laser cleaning machine and service
My father and I are very fond of this laser company, if there are customers who want to buy laser equipment, I recommend consulting this laser company.
A very modern and efficient laser company
JTCLASSER’s website prompts me to learn about each point on a regular basis, here is not only a laser product display site, but also a good place to learn about laser knowledge.
Good service!
I make wine glasses, and I love their 3-watt and 5-watt UV laser marking machine, used to mark my wine cup LOGO and text, high resolution, very clear.
I am a little not satisfied with their after-sales service is too wordy, simple problem complicated, but I am very satisfied with their service attitude, like~~~~
I was recommended by a friend
Great pre-sales and The Adjuster
Buying this high-precision laser device requires a responsible business, and I’m happy to do business with JTCLASSER
Most of my needs they can help me online I am very satisfied
Good laser marker
After my machine broke down in Egypt, they gave me the timely replacement of new equipment, I am grateful
Good machine and service!
Good after-sales service
I bought the carbon dioxide laser marker in 2014 from JTClaser, and it’s still in use today, and it works great
They have experienced after-sales engineers, very good, worth recommending!
Great Company. I highly recommend it
It’s good to look forward to their weekly live lectures
I highly recommend JTClaser’s machine, because they’re an excellent after-service team.
I like JTClaser’s price
I am a reseller, Under JTClaser’s help I have a stable supplier in Chian and I also do very good business in my country.
I’m a highly experienced professional laser cladding machine it’s very excellent. Which is easy to use. Good stability, strong cabinet,and low consumption,Highly recommend JTClaser’s brand for your industry processing,
JTClaser make very smart laser tools
Good machine and price!
My machine good work
It’s a conscientious enterprise. Mine friend
I get a good price of this machine fast shipping, Thanks~
Я из Киева, я купил свой 20-ваттный волоконный лазерный маркировочный станок IPG в компании JTClaser в 2015 году, и с тех пор он работает хорошо, я благодарен за знакомство с JTClaser, добросовестной компанией лазерных технологий.
لقد اشتريت آلة لحام بألياف الليزر 6000 واط من JTClaser في عام 2017. ما زالت المعدات تعمل حتى الآن ، وكانت تخلق قيمة لمصنعنا ، وهي تجربة ممتعة للغاية للتعاون.في المستقبل ، إذا أراد الأصدقاء في مصر شراء معدات الليزر ، يمكنني أن أوصي بشركة JTClaser ، خدمتهم رائعة حقًا ، يمكن لآلة القطع بالليزر الليفي الحصول على مواد استهلاكية مجانية (فم نحاسي) من هذه الشركة كل عام.
Kilang kepingan logam saya ada di Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Mesin pengelasan laser genggam 1500 watt di kilang saya semuanya dibeli dari JTClaser. Perkhidmatan mereka sungguh hebat!
It’s a really good laser factory, and their service team always stands behind the equipment. In September 2020, my 30-watt fiber laser marker once had a problem, and the laser didn’t shine, after I reported the problem to the factory, their after-sales staff linked to my team viewer within five minutes and remotely controlled my computer, which was detected to be laser damaged, they reissued the new laser to me through DHL within a week. It is indeed a conscientious enterprise.
Outstanding customer service and the communication with the shop is superb. I will be returning for additional services. They will go the exact mile for you.
JTClaser a very powerful team company
my 2 5W UV laser marking machine was bought from JTClaser.I have used it for 3 years, the wonderful thing is JTClaser’s team can help me online, this is really helpful.
Same machine, same configuration, even same laser sources, But I like JTClaser’s laser cutter.
The durability and stability of the laser equipment are good
My 30W fiber laser marking machine is on the way, I hope it is good.
I really like their on-line chat service, can help me solve the CAD drawing work
This is a company that sells laser equipment that I give very high appraisal
I’m a repeat customer, and JTCLASSER is my loyal source
Good China made laser cleaning machine and service
My father and I are very fond of this laser company, if there are customers who want to buy laser equipment, I recommend consulting this laser company.
A very modern and efficient laser company
JTCLASSER’s website prompts me to learn about each point on a regular basis, here is not only a laser product display site, but also a good place to learn about laser knowledge.
Good service!
I make wine glasses, and I love their 3-watt and 5-watt UV laser marking machine, used to mark my wine cup LOGO and text, high resolution, very clear.
I am a little not satisfied with their after-sales service is too wordy, simple problem complicated, but I am very satisfied with their service attitude, like~~~~
I was recommended by a friend
Great pre-sales and The Adjuster
Buying this high-precision laser device requires a responsible business, and I’m happy to do business with JTCLASSER
Most of my needs they can help me online I am very satisfied
Good laser marker
After my machine broke down in Egypt, they gave me the timely replacement of new equipment, I am grateful
Good machine and service!
Good after-sales service
I bought the carbon dioxide laser marker in 2014 from JTClaser, and it’s still in use today, and it works great
They have experienced after-sales engineers, very good, worth recommending!
Great Company. I highly recommend it
It’s good to look forward to their weekly live lectures
I highly recommend JTClaser’s machine, because they’re an excellent after-service team.
Shaanxi Jingtai Cooperación Tecnología Láser Co., Ltd. cuenta con un centro de investigación láser que mantiene relaciones de cooperación estable con muchas instituciones domésticas de renombre y profesionales en investigación láser. La empresa es la base de investigación y desarrollo láser del Instituto del Suroeste de Investigación y Desarrollo Láser, así como unidad de cooperación láser, entre otros. Ha sido galardonada con varios certificados de patente de aplicación láser.
Tendencias de Google (Desarrollo de la tendencia de la máquina de soldadura láser portátil): La máquina de soldadura láser portátil pura es una junta de soldadura manual, con fibra óptica conectada a la junta de soldadura manual, y realiza varios productos de soldadura. La ventaja de la máquina de soldadura
Fabricante chino de máquinas de soldadura láser de pulso 1. Esta es la máquina de soldadura láser de pulso de lámpara sólida, es la primera generación de las primeras máquinas de soldadura láser de pulso, es la soldadura láser de pulso, generalmente se utiliza en el láser de bomba de
máquina de grabado láser pequeña: 3020 4020 3040 4040 6040 Máquina de corte y grabado láser grande, JTC6090, 1390, 1325, 1610 Máquina de grabado láser (otros nombres: máquina de sellos láser / máquina de grabado de sellos de computadora / máquina de grabado láser / máquina de grabado láser pequeña)
¡Automatización completa! Marcado volador de plástico. Creo que no estaremos familiarizados con el marcado láser, los productos 3C y el empaquetado tendrán mucho marcado láser. En la era actual, con la demanda de productos 3C, la identificación de productos es cada vez más clara, el uso del marcado láser no
En Nombre del Amor, la Luz del Tiempo | Este es un Regalo Especial de Láser para Mi Madre El Mejor Regalo para una Madre que te Ama La canción “Madre” de Yan Weiwen dejó un poco de melancolía sobre las madres, cuánto trabajo, lágrimas y cuidado brindan. Todas las
El mercado candente de la soldadura láser manual, nueva junta de soldadura para resolver muchos problemas El equipo de soldadura láser manual es uno de los puntos de crecimiento del mercado de aplicaciones láser en los últimos años. Desde la segunda mitad de 2018, el equipo de soldadura láser manual
¡Estoy sorprendido! ¿Alguna vez has visto marcaje láser en estos tres tipos de vidrio? Caligrafía en vidrio Marcaje láser solo para impresionar tus ojos Los productos de vidrio son algo con lo que debemos estar familiarizados, también se utilizan ampliamente en productos para el hogar, instrumentación electrónica, industria química, médica
Shaanxi Jingtai Cooperación Tecnología Láser Co., Ltd. es una empresa de alta tecnología que tiene como concepto central la “tecnología líder” y se enfoca en ofrecer servicios honestos en su negocio.
© 2021 Todos los derechos reservados. Términos de Servicio y Nota de Privacidad
Siéntase libre de hacer su consulta ahora. Siempre estamos aquí para ayudarlo.
لا تتردد في الاستفسار الآن. نحن دائمًا هنا لمساعدتك.
Не стесняйтесь задавать вопросы. Мы всегда готовы помочь вам.
Feel free to inquire now. We are always here to help you.
Shaanxi Jingtai Cooperation Laser technology Co.,Ltd
We are as a long history as a laser Marking/Cutting/Welding/Cladding manufacturer in China.
**Case Study: Application of 6-Axis Robot with 1500mm Arm Span and 10kg Payload for Pulse and Oscillating Welding on Medium Thickness Plates**
In modern industrial manufacturing, automation and robotics are playing an increasingly pivotal role in improving welding quality, consistency, and productivity. One prominent application is the use of 6-axis robots equipped with a 1500mm arm span and a 10kg payload, specifically designed for pulse and oscillating arc welding on medium thickness plates. This case study explores how this robotic welding solution enhances the precision and efficiency of welding processes, particularly when applied to the medium-thickness steel plates used in various industries such as automotive, construction, and machinery fabrication.
### Overview of the Technology
A 6-axis robotic arm, equipped with a 1500mm span, offers remarkable flexibility, allowing the robot to access difficult or complex geometries that traditional welding methods might struggle to reach. With a payload capacity of 10kg, the robot can support welding equipment like MIG/MAG or TIG torches, which are essential for pulse and oscillating arc welding techniques.
Pulse welding is particularly effective for controlling heat input, reducing distortion, and improving weld penetration. By using a controlled pulsing current, the robot ensures a more stable arc, which translates to cleaner welds with minimal spatter and heat-affected zones. Oscillating arc welding, on the other hand, involves the controlled movement of the weld bead, which is crucial when working with medium-thickness materials. This technique helps in achieving uniform weld bead distribution, better fusion at the base material, and enhanced mechanical properties of the welded joints.
### Application in Medium Thickness Plate Welding
In the case of medium-thickness plates, typically in the range of 3mm to 10mm, the combination of pulse and oscillating welding offers distinct advantages. The 6-axis robot, with its ability to navigate and control the torch in multiple directions, provides consistent welding quality along the entire length of the joint. This is particularly critical when welding long seams or when the parts being welded have intricate contours.
The ability of the robot to maintain precise weld bead placement over a large surface area ensures that the welds are uniform and have a consistent appearance, meeting high-quality standards. The pulse arc mode also helps in reducing heat buildup, which is often a challenge when welding thicker plates, as excessive heat can lead to material distortion and weakened welds. The oscillating motion, meanwhile, ensures that the weld bead fills the joint completely, even in cases where there might be slight variations in the material thickness.
### Key Benefits
1. **Increased Precision and Consistency**: The robotic arm’s precise movements ensure consistent weld quality, which is particularly important for mass production and parts requiring strict tolerances.
2. **Reduced Distortion and Warping**: The pulse welding technique minimizes the heat input, which leads to reduced thermal distortion, a common challenge when working with medium-thickness plates.
3. **Enhanced Productivity**: The robotic system can work continuously and autonomously, reducing the need for manual intervention and speeding up the welding process, thereby increasing overall production rates.
4. **Cost Efficiency**: Although the initial setup cost of robotic systems can be high, the long-term benefits of reduced labor costs, increased production speeds, and improved weld quality lead to cost savings over time.
### Conclusion
The use of a 6-axis robotic arm with a 1500mm arm span and 10kg payload for pulse and oscillating arc welding on medium-thickness plates exemplifies the cutting-edge capabilities of modern industrial automation. This case study highlights the significant improvements in weld quality, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness that robotic welding solutions bring to the manufacturing process. As industries continue to demand higher precision and faster production times, this type of technology is becoming an essential tool in achieving these goals. ... See MoreSee Less
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Arm span 1850mm, load 20kg with 2KW laser wire filling + welding seam positioning application case sharing. ... See MoreSee Less
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Seamless integration into your workflow
Consistent and high-quality polishing
Safer and ergonomic work environment
Easily programmable for a variety of applications ... See MoreSee Less
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Innovative polishing technology, with robots partnering with collaborators to launch an intelligent grinding and polishing system. With zero coding, grinding trajectories can be generated in as fast as 10 seconds! Through drag-and-drop teaching, the E10-L# collaborative robot quickly locates; a 3D vision camera fully captures workpiece information, ensuring precise polishing. The system is highly user-friendly and reliable, meeting the polishing needs of various materials and processes, making the job easier and the quality outstanding! #polishingrobot ... See MoreSee Less
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